
下載,解壓縮,移至桌面,最後打開即可。下載KekaDefaultAppv1.1.3.169KB|需要MacOSX10.9或更新版本.MD5: ...,KekaMac版是一款比较常用的压缩软件,这个解压缩软件基本可以满足macos平台的日常解压缩需求,体积小,简单易用,速度较快。是一款免费又好用的解压缩软件。,2024年1月30日—WithKekayoucancompressasmanyfilesasyouwantinabunchofformats.Dividefilesandprotectthemwithapasswordisnowakidsgame.,Kekaisafullfeature...


下載,解壓縮,移至桌面,最後打開即可。 下載KekaDefaultApp v1.1.3. 169 KB | 需要Mac OS X 10.9 或更新版本. MD5: ...

Keka Mac版

Keka Mac版是一款比较常用的压缩软件,这个解压缩软件基本可以满足mac os平台的日常解压缩需求,体积小,简单易用,速度较快。是一款免费又好用的解压缩软件。

Mac App Store 上的《Keka》

2024年1月30日 — With Keka you can compress as many files as you want in a bunch of formats. Divide files and protect them with a password is now a kids game.

Keka on the Mac App Store

Keka is a full featured file archiver, as easy as it can be. With Keka you can compress as many files as you want in a bunch of formats.

Keka 免費macOS 檔案壓縮工具,中文介面支援常見壓縮格式

我在macOS 上大多是使用The Unarchiver 作為解壓縮軟體,雖然Mac 本身內建封存工具,但僅支援ZIP 格式,絕大多數情況下會遇到的RAR、7Z 就只能透過第三方應用解壓縮, ...


The macOS file archiver. With Keka you can compress as many files as you want in a bunch of formats. You can also encrypt them to store and share securely ...


Simply download and extract it, move it to the desktop and then open it. Download KekaDefaultApp v1.1.3. 169 KB | Requires Mac OS X 10.9 or newer. MD5: ...

the macOS file archiver

Downloading Keka v1.3.7. If the download does not start automatically click here 32.9 MB | Requires Mac OS X 10.10 or newer. MD5: ...


Keka can create files in these formats: 7Z; ZIP; TAR; ZSTD; GZIP; BZIP2. And extract all of these formats: 7Z; ZIP ...


Keka is a file archiver for OS X. It is available for free, but donations are requested to further the project. Similar to making a donation, you can also ...